Star Castle custom clone

First of all, the game is in a mix of Spanish and English, so sorry if something is not well understood, and it has a lot of jokes, that on that the moment were fun, but maybe they were not as good as I remember them.

Although was not strictly my first game, it is my first project I am proud of, because it was first ‘big’, made meanwhile I still was learning how to code.

A game made completely from scratch using C, and a simple Graphics library, just drawing lines, sprites, and texts.

It has several menus, and several features implemented from scratch.

There is a loading screen, with completely random information.

Next, we access the main menu, where we can read the rules, create a new user, check the scoreboard, or close the application.

My helpful screenshot

The game stores any progress, and it has User management, so anytime, new users can be created, if there is no one with the same username.

If we decide to log in, we are going to be prompted with a new menu.

My helpful screenshot

That will check if any provided data is valid if so, will access the game if not will prompt a nonvalid username/password.

If we log in correctly, we can choose what ship to use, load a possible stored match, update our details, play a match with a friend. We also have information about the number of lifes we have, displaying coins.

My helpful screenshot

If we just click to play, we are going to start a new game, from level 1, where we must defeat the enemy in the middle. If we destroy any ring, a new one is generated, and the enemy will drop a bullet that will track our ship, and if the enemy consider it has free vision to shoot us will shoot a big projectile.

My helpful screenshot

My helpful screenshot

My helpful screenshot

Whenever we defeat the enemy, a new level is loaded incrementing the difficult.

My helpful screenshot

My helpful screenshot

My helpful screenshot

My helpful screenshot

My helpful screenshot

My helpful screenshot

My helpful screenshot

My helpful screenshot

My helpful screenshot

My helpful screenshot